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Enhance Your Tarot Divination with a Pyramid's Spiritual Energy

Creating a Spiritual Space with a Pyramid for Tarot Divination: 

A pyramid creates a stable energy field effect that, when applied to a divination environment, enhances the interaction between the querent and the diviner. The effectiveness of a divination session often depends on the state and frequency channel of the diviner. If the diviner is on the same level as the querent, it merely becomes a logical interpretation, where the querent could follow a guidebook for their cards.
Whether you are a tarot reader or a self-reader, if you cannot elevate yourself beyond the third dimension or enter the higher level spirit, you will lack the ability to perceive, gain inspiration, or obtain a holistic view. Our subconscious influences 95% of our overall consciousness, significantly impacting our fate, drawing both positive and negative elements into our lives.
Therefore, proficient tarot readers or diviners treat their environment and mindset with great reverence and caution, connecting with a sacred attitude. They often designate a tranquil, high-energy area to quickly enter the higher level spirit. 

Environmental Setup Recommendations:

  1. Create Comfortable Lighting: Use soft lighting within the pyramid to avoid harsh or glaring lights. Candles, oil lamps, or soft lamp shades can create a warm, comfortable atmosphere.
  2. Establish a Sacred Space: Set up a special divination area inside the pyramid, such as a table or mat, designated solely for divination and spiritual practices.
  3. Maintain Cleanliness and Order: Keep the interior of the pyramid tidy and avoid clutter. A clean and orderly environment enhances spiritual experiences and focus.
  4. Use Personal Preference Sounds and Music: Play simple background or meditation music in the pyramid to foster a calm and peaceful environment.
  5. Incorporate Natural Elements: Add natural elements like plants, stones, or crystals inside the pyramid. These elements can strengthen your connection with nature and enhance spiritual experiences.
  6. Create a Meditation and Relaxation Space: Add a comfortable meditation cushion or sofa within the pyramid for sitting and meditating or relaxing. This will help elevate spiritual awareness and focus.
  7. Regular Cleaning and Purification: Regularly clean the pyramid, including lighting fixtures, floors, and items. Purify the entire divination area to remove negative energy using white smoke, crystals, holy water, or sacred wood.
  8. Personalize Decorations: Add decorations that reflect your style and beliefs, such as images symbolizing power, wisdom, or love, tarot cards, or other sacred symbols. 
Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1

Mindset and Environmental Influence:

The environment affects your mindset, which in turn projects onto the environment. The mindset for tarot divination is crucial as it enhances intuitive abilities, focus, and card interpretation skills. Here are some tips to help you enter the tarot divination mindset:

  1. Relax Your Mind and Body: Before divination, try to relax. Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or other relaxation techniques can help. Relaxation eliminates stress and distractions, making it easier to focus on the divination process.
  2. Clear Your Mind: Before starting divination, try to clear your mind of past thoughts and emotions. Focus on the present and be open to receiving messages from the tarot cards.
  3. Focus Intently: Avoid distractions and fully concentrate on the cards during divination. Observe each card's image, symbols, and colors carefully, paying attention to your intuition and feelings.
  4. Remain Open and Accepting: Do not have preset expectations or biases about the results. Stay open-minded and accept the messages revealed by the tarot cards, even if they differ from your expectations. Be willing to embrace new perspectives and insights for deeper understanding.
  5. Develop Intuitive Skills: Tarot divination is closely tied to intuition. Developing your intuitive skills can help you better understand the card's messages. Trust your intuition and avoid overanalyzing or doubting your first impressions.
  6. Respect and Revere: Maintain respect and reverence for the divination process and the cards themselves. Recognize the wisdom and power represented by the tarot cards and approach them with humility.
  7. Practice and Learn: Tarot divination is a process of learning and growth. Continue studying the meanings, symbols, and spreads of tarot, and regularly practice your divination skills. This can enhance your ability to interpret and apply the messages from the tarot cards. 

Ancient and Modern Divination:

Ancient diviners were held in high regard, often consulted by states for decisions on wars or policies. Today, many major business leaders still consult their personal diviners for significant investments. The respect for diviners comes not only from the accuracy of their predictions but also from their ability to guide the querent to view the future with a broader perspective and work diligently in the present without judging events based on binary right or wrong. Diviners must operate on higher frequencies and dimensions, understanding trends and changes through the balance of yin and yang, and influencing the querent from a perspective of goodness, cultivation, and karma, creating a positive cycle that can impact society.
In summary, pyramids create a stable energy field, and using them in divination environments can enhance the interaction between the diviner and the querent. The mindset for tarot divination is also crucial, involving relaxation, clearing the mind, focusing intently, staying open and accepting, developing intuition, maintaining respect and reverence, and continuous practice and learning. Diviners should operate on higher channels and dimensions, understanding things through the balance of yin and yang, goodness, cultivation, and karma, thereby creating a positive cycle. These are beneficial additions for creating a spiritual and comfortable environment for tarot divination. Everyone can choose methods that suit their beliefs and practices, respecting the wisdom and power represented by the tarot cards.
Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1 box

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