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Unlock Deeper Meditation with Pyramid Energy Fields

Pyramids Assist in Quick Meditation Entry: 

The energy field of the pyramid is believed to enhance meditation and facilitate a quick entry into a meditative state. This is because the geometric properties of the pyramid shape can generate a magnetic and energy field that is thought to have a positive effect on the human body.
When you are within the sacred space of the pyramid, especially if you are sensitive, you will feel a subtle energy protecting you. One of the major roles of the pyramid is "protection and support." In ancient times, this subtle energy field was even used to preserve food, dry meat, and facilitate healing. However, according to the book "The Source Field Investigation," Dr. Alexander Golod on Chapter 8; he discovered that excessive metal in pyramids reduces their effectiveness. This is why ancient pyramids were mostly constructed from earth, stone, wood, or ancient concrete techniques.
Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1 
In the early 20th century, the world population was only 1.7 billion, whereas today it is 8 billion. With the advancement of technology and the rapid flow of information, the density of human "consciousness waves" is 20 to 100 times higher than 100 years ago. Particularly in densely populated areas, you can easily feel the difference in the level of noise and disturbance. For instance, a bustling city center feels more chaotic compared to a sparsely populated rural area. Even in a crowded holiday spot, you can feel relaxed due to the "relaxed consciousness waves" of the people vacationing there.
Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1 
During the pandemic, especially during lockdowns, you could almost sense a massive wave of fear. If your consciousness is not centered within yourself, you quickly resonate with this collective fear, and your subconscious fear naturally arises. This happens because you start to believe in the reality of this fear, worrying that you might be next, and your emotions amplify this fear, leading to overwhelming anxiety. Making decisions calmly and observing from a detached perspective, versus following the fear-driven emotions, results in completely different life paths. This is the modern impact of collective consciousness waves. 

In ancient times, various religious sects placed great emphasis on retreat. There are many types of retreats, but the choice of location is crucial: 

  1. The retreatant must have reached a certain level of realization; otherwise, closing their eyes and daydreaming is not beneficial to body and mind.
  2. Preliminary rituals help the retreatant enter a state of mental and physical tranquility, including aspirations for Bodhicitta and sudden enlightenment. There are also "death retreats" inspired by the Buddha's determination not to leave the seat until attaining enlightenment.
  3. Retreatants should be isolated from external contact. If food or water is provided, it should be left at a specific spot for the retreatant to collect later.
  4. Retreat locations are usually mountain caves or monastery cellars.
  5. The goal is to avoid any external consciousness interference, allowing the retreatant to be fully immersed in unity with their true self (God).
In modern times, such practices are rare. Finding time for daily meditation is already challenging. When returning home, even with a private room, external consciousness waves can sometimes make it hard to settle down. This is why the term "seclusion" is now used, encouraging people to distance themselves from phones, the internet, and other distractions. However, even in secluded spots, the surrounding consciousness waves can still affect you if the location is not far from the city. 
Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1

Some groups have started using pyramids, not for mysticism but because pyramids can: 

  1. The sacred geometric space of the pyramid can effectively block external consciousness waves unless the meditation within the pyramid generates troubled consciousness waves.
  2. The pyramid's energy concentrates inside, allowing the meditator to quickly enter a deep meditative state.
  3. If the meditator sits for an extended period (depending on individual concentration), a peaceful consciousness field is formed. The pyramid amplifies this field, influencing the surroundings. This is similar to the magnetic fields generated by monasteries, churches, and meditation centers where people often practice quiet reflection.
  4. This creates a "Feng Shui" phenomenon. Having a pyramid in a home, temple, or area stabilizes the surrounding energy field. The book "The Source Field Investigation" on Chapter 8 mentions that "pyramids can directly protect humans against destructive earth changes, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions..." Similarly, meditating regularly in a pyramid can improve the home's magnetic Feng Shui.
Meditation Pyramid Orgonite MOP1
In summary, the pyramid energy field can enhance meditation experiences. After meditating for a certain period, it forms a peaceful consciousness field, positively affecting the surroundings. The geometric properties of the pyramid generate a magnetic and energy field believed to positively impact the human body. The sacred geometric space of the pyramid effectively blocks external consciousness waves, allowing meditators to quickly enter a deep meditative state. Additionally, pyramids can stabilize energy fields, improve Feng Shui, and even protect against natural disasters. In modern times, achieving complete mindfulness is difficult, but using pyramids for meditation helps meditators enter a meditative state more quickly and remain free from external disturbances, enhancing the effectiveness of meditation.


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